Day Archives: April 7, 2022


Why Should You Seek an Annual Physical? Here is Why!

When you are feeling under the weather, you are more likely to see a doctor. Only when you are sick with the flu or another ailment that will not go away do you realize how important it is to see...


When Should You See A Cardiologist?

Cardiologists are medical professionals who focus on the heart and blood vessels. They often see patients because they have abnormal heartbeats and rhythm problems, chest pain, high blood pressure, and many other issues attributed to the heart and circulatory system....


The danger of having periodontal disease

Have you ever failed to sleep because of persistent toothache or gum disease? There’s nothing as disturbing as turning and tossing on your bed all night, and the pain isn’t going away. The good news is that periodontics in Midtown...

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