
Benefits of Facial and Body Waxing

Hair is natural and grows on most parts of the body, except for some areas such as under the arms and between the buttocks. When hair comes in contact with a person’s clothing without being cut/trimmed, it can prove to be quite uncomfortable or irritating. The worst part about having long hair is when it sticks out from beneath a hat or becomes entangled in clothing, causing discomfort and irritation for people with sensitive skin.

While men have been removing their facial hair since ancient times, women started removing their eyebrows, nose, and ear hairs in the 19th century. Currently, waxing is a very practical, although expensive, method of hair removal. It works by taking away the hair from its roots, which takes around 6-8 weeks for new hair to grow back. Here are some of its benefits.

1)     Waxing can help get rid of acne

When removing hair from the face or body for cosmetic purposes, it’s critical to ensure salon professionals properly sanitize it before being used on any client. Waxing is a great way to combat the deep-rooted bacteria that accumulate in your pores when you have facial or body acne. If left untreated, the bacteria will only continue to grow deeper within your skin pores, causing severe irritation and blemishes all over your body. For instance, if you visit a waxing expert at The Brow Room, you should ensure that they implement clean techniques every time, because you deserve only the best.

2)     Waxing prevents ingrown hairs from forming

When hair is growing out naturally, it pushes away from the root, which causes it to curl back into the skin. This point where the hair is forced to grow back into your body can cause severe irritation and even a possible infection if not taken care of properly. When you go for waxing services, they mustn’t tweeze or pluck any hair out because this will most likely cause ingrown hair. Usually, before waxing is performed, the area should be shaved to expose all hair follicles to their roots. In that way, when they apply hot wax to remove the hair, it won’t curl back in toward your skin.

3)     Waxing also helps fade stretch marks

A tear creates stretch marks in the dermis, which happens during sudden weight loss or gain (such as pregnancy). A common myth is that stretch marks can’t be removed, but you should know that they can fade away by waxing certain areas of your body. The more you pull and pluck the skin, the closer it comes to its original state. Stretch marks are thin lines beneath the top layer of our skin, making them difficult to see without proper lighting. Therefore, when someone lightly brushes against them or accidentally bumps into them, it will cause their appearance to show up even more. It’s a good idea to get rid of these unsightly lines between sessions with your aesthetician because, if left untreated, they will only become more noticeable over time.

4)     Waxing helps reduce cellulite

Cellulite is just another name for fat stored beneath your skin. It’s the overproduction of fat cells that causes the appearance of dimples and lumps in your body. Although there is no miracle product or cure to eradicate cellulite, if you wax your trouble areas often enough, then they will become less noticeable than before. Cellulite tends to be most visible when it’s cold outside because all of your skin creases together, making fat appear more pronounced under the skin. Therefore, with proper waxing practices combined with proper dieting and exercise, cellulite can be prevented from showing up as much as possible.

5)     Removal of dead skin cells and dirt:

Dead skin cells and dirt can build up in pores and cause acne to occur. Waxing will remove these dead skin cells and allow new ones to grow smoothly. Note that waxing only removes the topmost layer of dead skin cells (epidermis) as it goes deeper into the dermis, which causes some discomfort as it may go through live layers but doesn’t harm them at all. It also prevents new dirt trapped within those pores from clogging your pores further, preventing future build-up.

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