
All You Need to Know About Colonoscopy

Colonoscopy refers to the procedure that is done to investigate the large intestine to check for polyps and look for likely signs of colon cancer.. The procedure uses a long, flexible tube with a camera attached to the top. In addition to checking for polyps, the scope can also be used to remove them. Ideally, adults should start getting regular colonoscopies once they turn 50.

Colonoscopy cost can vary from country to another. For instance, colonoscopy cost in Singapore can range from over $300 to over $7,000. Colonoscopy is an outpatient procedure and the patient can be discharged a few hours after the procedure.

The procedure is also used to evaluate certain gastrointestinal symptoms such as abdominal pain, changes in bowel habits, and bleeding. Unfortunately, some people avoid the procedure due to reluctance or embarrassment. However, those who have risk factors for colorectal cancer should start screening by age 45.

The frequency of screenings can vary based on the initial findings. However, as mentioned earlier, it is recommended that you start doing colonoscopy at an earlier age if you have a higher risk of developing colorectal cancer. Some of the risk factors include:

  • You have several relatives with colorectal cancer
  • You have familial polyposis syndrome (this condition runs in the family and is associated to an increased risk of developing colon cancer)
  • You have a genetic condition that is linked to colon cancer
  • You have ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, or other inflammatory bowel conditions

What to Know Before a Colonoscopy

Before the procedure, ensure that you inform your doctor about any medications or supplements that you are currently taking. This includes over-the-counter medications and other prescription medications. Your doctor will be able to advise on medications and supplements that you should avoid during the preparation phase.

To ensure the success of the procedure, you need to follow all the important instructions including what you need to drink and eat before the procedure. This also means ensuring your colon is empty so the doctor can clearly see what is inside your colon.

If the colon is not empty, the procedure may not succeed and might need to be repeated. The cleaner the colon, the better chance that all the polyps will be found (if there even are polys present). A clean colon is important as cancer and polyps can sometimes be hidden behind fecal matter.

You might be asked by your provider to avoid nuts, seeds, corn, and popcorn for at least three days prior to the procedure. A low-fiber diet may also be recommended at least two days before colonoscopy. The day before your colonoscopy, you will be asked to avoid drinking any alcohol or eating any solid foods.

However, you can drink clear liquids like water, ginger ale, and clear broths. You can also have popsicles or jello as long as they are not purple, blue, or red. While doing your bowel preparation, however, make sure you drink plenty of liquids to ensure you won’t become dehydrated. If general anesthesia is used, you will not be allowed to drink anything the night before your colonoscopy test. No matter the case, you are strictly not allowed to drink or eat anything for four hours before your colonoscopy.

There are various bowel preparations that can be done for colonoscopy. Your healthcare provider will recommend the best preparation for your case, taking into consideration important factors such as your preference and medical history. Some bowel preparation products are available over-the-counter while others are prescription-only. The primary goal however is to get rid of everything in the colon.

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