
Treating TMJ Disorders in Lake Bluff, IL

dentist in Lake Bluff, IL

Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorders are a group of conditions that involve the jaw joint and surrounding muscles as explained by a dentist in Lake Bluff, IL. For Lake Bluff, IL residents, it is important to understand TMJ disorders so that you can stay on top of your oral health and quality of life.

What Are TMJ Disorders?

TMJ disorders involve the various complications resulting from dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint that connects your jawbone to its sockets on either side of your skull. This joint is important for many functions including mouth opening, chewing, talking, and swallowing. Several factors may contribute to TMJ disorders:

  • Injury: Any impact to the jaw or head can result in TMJ dysfunction.
  • Arthritis: Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are a few conditions that can affect the joint as well, leading to inflammation and pain.
  • Jaw Alignment Issues– Malocclusion (teeth misalignment) can cause strain on the TMJ.
  • Teeth Grinding and Jaw Clenching: Stressed related, these habits can burden the muscles to the point of fatigue onset and joint strain.

TMJ Disorders

Common Symptoms of TMJ Disorder

The treatment that will be provided to individuals who experience a condition with the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is dependent on both the symptoms caused by their particular case and how severe these symptoms become. Common symptoms include:

  • Jaw Pain: This can be mild soreness to severe pain and may be located near the joint or extend into the neck, and shoulders.
  • Clicks or Pops: Some people hear clicks or pops in their jaw while opening and closing.
  • Facial Pain: Also, sometimes you experience pain in the facial muscles, most notably around your cheeks and jaw.
  • Headaches and ear aches: If you have chronic headaches or are experiencing pain in your ears, many doctors might associate this discomfort with other health problems; yet, it may be the result of TMJ issues.

Treating TMJ Disorders

TMJ disorders can be treated differently and in different ways to alleviate the symptoms — depending on what causes TMJ. Lake Bluff has voting options as well:

1. Self-esteem and Lifestyle

  • Heat and Cold Therapy: You can use warm compresses or ice packs to reduce inflammation and relieve pain.
  • Dietary Changes: soft foods can help relieve pressure on the jaw as it heal
  • Stress Management: Learn stress-reduction techniques like meditation and yoga, or attend counseling sessions for teeth grinding or jaw clenching that could result from being anxious.

2. Physical Therapy

With physical therapy, you can get relief as specific exercises to strengthen the jaw muscles and increase mobility can help reduce this pain Other therapists may use techniques such as ultrasound therapy or massage.

3. Medications

OTC pain relievers, NSAIDs (anti-inflammatory medications), or muscle relaxants might be given for relief of the painful inflammation from TMJ disorders. Your dentist could suggest corticosteroid shots to reduce the inflammation in some circumstances.

4. Surgery

Surgical treatment is necessary in only rare cases of those who find no relief through conservative methods. Surgical intervention for the disorder may include arthroscopy, arthrocentesis, or even joint replacement.

Residents of Lake Bluff, IL need to understand TMJ disorders so that they can identify symptoms and get treatment quickly. With a combination of treatment interventions, from self-management strategies to more invasive procedures—people can successfully manage their TMJ disorders and better their quality of life. If you think that you may have a TMJ disorder, it is important to talk with one of our dentists who can do an in-depth evaluation and create a treatment plan designed specifically for your needs. If jaw pain is addressed early, it can prevent further issues and give you a happier life with comfort instead of headaches!

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