
Always Indoors: Is It Affecting Your Health?

Once you are settled indoors, it can be difficult to bring yourself to leaving. Especially if you are good on groceries for a month and have plenty of gadgets to keep you occupied. You could even exercise at home. The pandemic taught everyone how to stay at home and survive without leaving for days, weeks, and even months for others. 

Work has also transformed into a hybrid of work-from-home and office arrangements. Furthermore, people spend more time indoors in front of their computers, phones, television, and other devices that keep them entertained and satisfied.

But there are clear disadvantages of being at home all the time. Staying cooped up in your nest can affect your physical and mental health. Humans were not meant to stay indoors 24/7. There are different ways this habit can cause issues in your well-being:

What You Breathe


Maintaining good indoor air quality is crucial if you want to avoid issues with your lungs. Considering how people spend 90% of their time indoors but do not prioritize dusting in their routine, it is likely that they will develop breathing problems or issues in their lungs. Those living with you will benefit from a dust-free home. 

Your ventilation is one of the likely places where dust accumulates. This is why you need to have frequent contact with a professional duct-cleaning service to make sure that the air moving through your home is clean. Particulates can flow through the air if you do not get your surfaces and vents thoroughly cleared. These particles might enter the lungs of house members and could result in a stuffy home and allergies acting up. 

On the other hand, a clean home will result in a better quality of airflow and possibly remove any unpleasant odors that you might be bothered with. As a result, everyone will be able to breathe better. Taking the time and effort to make sure that everything is cleaned is an investment in your health. 


Taking the time out for some fresh air is just as important for your health. You could experience higher oxygen levels outdoors, depending on where you live. If you live in a polluted or congested area, going for a quick drive where you can get fresh air will be worth the trip. You will be able to think clearer, and a change in scenery can stimulate your creativity. 

Human and Nature

People are not designed to stay indoors at all times. Research shows that you are more energetic when you are outdoors and vitalized in the presence of nature. There are other benefits, like receiving the vitamins and positive effects of exposure to sunlight. You will experience less stress and anxiety when you spend at least 20 minutes outdoors. 

Taking a breather can be even more worth it when you are outside. You can have a different view for a few minutes, triggering parts of your brain responsible for creativity. This might help in your line of work or any problem solving that you need to do for the moment. Maybe stepping out of the box to figure out a solution actually means leaving your four walls for a few moments. 

Furthermore, outdoor spaces are known to have a positive impact on productivity. If you are having trouble in any aspect of your life, a walk or some time outside could help you figure things out and get you out of a rut. The fresh air can also help you think more clearly. 

Pack Your Home With Plants

If you live in a location with not many green spaces, your mental and physical health can benefit from having plants to take care of. It is known to reduce stress and anxiety while providing more oxygen to breathe as they take in the carbon dioxide around you. If you decide to plant food, that can be a bonus, plus you will save money on ingredients. Growing herbs or other greens like lettuce can be a good start since they do not take up much space, and you can easily incorporate them into your food. 

Staying cooped up in your room can be harmful without the right airflow and the occasional breather from your four walls. Humans need to have access to greenery and fresh air in outdoor spaces. A balance is key for your best possible mental and physical health.

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