Anna McDonald


Skincare Matters: Breaking the Stigma for Men

Most skincare products and treatments focus solely on women. And while this is a great prospect, it’s missing one crucial factor to the mix — men. Contrary to popular beliefs, skin conditions know no gender. They can happen to anyone...


Doctor Curtis Frank

Lately, scleral lenses have been popular in the contact lens world. There have been global conferences dedicated to finding out how to fit these, well, special, contact lenses. The market has focused on providing education for consumers as well as...


Maintenance Of Imaging Equipment

The maintenance of this medical equipment like video imaging medical equipment is always recommended to be done with the manufacturers. They are the ones who have access to spare parts in the shortest possible time. But not only that, they...


How To Match Your Bike to Your Lifestyle?

Whether you are still a youngster, or have reached full-blown adulthood, riding a bicycle is one of the enduring pleasures of life. Spending time in the outdoors, getting some exercise, and having some fun are all part of the experience....


Understanding Mold Illness Treatment

Bronchial asthma and mold are clinical problems that are often not sufficiently taken into account. The pulmonologist or doctors who specialize in mold illness, on the other hand, knows very well the risk posed by the presence of mold in...


Tips to Quit Drug Abuse

Well if you have finally sworn to give up on drugs, then make sure there is no turning back. Here are some of the best tips that can help you quit drug abuse: Be steady and achieve your goal: The...

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