Clare Louise


Does Workplace have the Right to Check Employee’s THC LEVEL?

After legalisation of weed drug in Canada, the most significant question is that whether the employers can do anything with their employees who get high on this drug during working hours. So far the government has tacked situations like drug...


The 3 Best Ways to Use CBD for Cancer Patients

Every year, nearly 2 million Americans are diagnosed with some form of cancer. Scientists are constantly researching new remedies that can possibly destroy cancer tumors and minimize the level of discomfort for people in recovery. One of the more promising...


Yoga Sсhооlѕ – Whаt Is Right For You?

Yоgа ѕсhооlѕ hold a ѕресiаl place in уоgа еduсаtiоn bесаuѕе mаnу of thе tор lосаtiоnѕ аrе in thе сrаdlе оf yoga's birth: Indiа. Thеѕе Yoga ѕсhооlѕ in India оffеr ѕоmе оf thе most соmрlеtе and intense trаining for уоgа in...


Watching TV with Hearing Aids

One of the problems that you may have discussed with your ear health provider is hearing the TV. You may have trouble following what is on the TV. Unfortunately, millions of people suffer from that problem. Most people spend a...

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