Gerardo Sanders


10 Highly Effective Solutions For Adult Acne

“There are some things that just come with being a teenager. Your feet grow like crazy. I can’t stop that. Your hormones kick in. I don’t want to stop that. And then there are zits. I can stop that.” Even...


Staying Connected Away From Home

Early recovery is considered a shaky time. People who have recently left rehab are still trying to sort out life as a newly clean and sober individual. During this time, community and support are extremely important. You may be attending...


What is Naturopathic Medicine?

Naturopathic medicine, or Naturopathy, is a form of therapy that comprises both current scientific knowledge and traditional medicine theories. Naturopathic medicine is a very holistic approach that aims to optimize the health status of an individual, through a range of...


Low Testosterone: Symptoms

Testosterone is the principal sex hormone responsible for male sexual development and phenotype of a man. It’s a known fact that testosterone production decreases as men age. Too low testosterone concentration negatively affects man’s health since this hormone is responsible...

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