Howard Munoz


How Well Are the People Around You Sleeping?

Sleep is one of the most important things. It keeps you healthier, happier and much less stressed. Being sure to get enough rest is key to mental and physical health. For many years scientists and people all over the world...


Why ICSI is a better method of fertilization

What is ICSI? Itstands for intracytoplasmic sperm injection. This method is used to fertilize eggs that have been taken out of a woman’s ovary in the laboratory environment. It is especially helpful in those cases where men have significant infertility....


Crisis Pregnancies | Parent, Abortion & Adoption

Around the United States there are millions of children that are homeless.  Homeless, Pregnant Kids? From the city of Chicago, almost 50,000 children are currently homeless. The teen pregnancy rate among homeless adolescent girls is almost 70%. What causes...


Hearing Aids

What are hearing aids? Hearing aids are designed to make sounds louder. A hearing aid is a small device worn in or behind a persons ear to boost their ability to hear sounds.It enables the user to listen and take...

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