
Common Indicators of Orthodontic Concerns in Children – According to Dental Experts in Fairhope

Bite Misalignment

Dental issues are quite the cause for concern. Beyond an unjustified anxiety over a dentist visit, the fear of something serious always fills one with dread. However, this concern is heightened when your child’s dental health is in focus! While your child may not realize it, certain habits and behaviors may in fact be indicators of orthodontic concerns. Luckily, according to an expert dental practice in Fairhope, AL, it is possible to catch these signs early. 

Here’s what you need to know…

Difficulty Chewing and Biting

If your child struggles to bite into an apple or has trouble chewing certain foods, it could be a sign of misaligned teeth or an improper bite. This issue might be due to crowded teeth, gaps, or an incorrect bite alignment, which can hinder efficient chewing. If these difficulties persist, it’s worth consulting an orthodontist to evaluate whether braces or other orthodontic treatments are needed to correct the alignment.

Jaws That Click, Shift, or Make Noise as They Move

Clicking, shifting, or noisy jaw movements can be distressing and often indicate underlying orthodontic issues. These symptoms are frequently associated with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, which can arise from misaligned teeth or jaw issues. If your child’s jaw makes unusual sounds or shifts while moving, it’s crucial to have them evaluated by a dental professional. 

Disproportionate Jaws

A noticeable disparity between the upper and lower jaws can lead to various orthodontic problems, including bite misalignment and difficulty with jaw function. If your child’s jaws appear disproportionate or if their teeth do not align properly when the mouth is closed, this could indicate a need for orthodontic treatment. Such issues may affect not only appearance but also oral health and function. 

Finger and Thumb Sucking

While thumb and finger sucking are common in infants, prolonged habits can lead to significant orthodontic concerns as children grow older. Persistent sucking can cause the front teeth to protrude or the bite to become misaligned. It can also impact the development of the jaw and the positioning of the adult teeth. If your child continues these habits beyond the age of four or five, it is best to seek a dentist’s expertise.

Thumb Sucking

Bite Misalignment

Bite misalignment, or malocclusion, is a term used to describe various types of bite problems, including overbites, underbites, and crossbites. These conditions occur when the upper and lower teeth do not fit together properly. Misalignment can lead to difficulties in chewing, speech issues, and uneven wear on teeth. However, early detection can non-surgically fix this concern. 

Breathing Through the Mouth

Mouth breathing can be an indication of underlying orthodontic problems, such as misaligned teeth or an abnormal bite. It can also be a sign of obstructed airways or nasal congestion, which can impact oral health and development. Children who frequently breathe through their mouths may also exhibit other signs like dry lips or a resting posture with their mouth open.

Abnormally Late or Early Loss of Baby Teeth

The timing of losing baby teeth and the eruption of adult teeth are crucial indicators of dental development. If your child loses baby teeth too early or too late, it can affect the alignment of incoming adult teeth. Early loss may lead to crowding or shifting of teeth, while delayed loss can result in misalignment or spacing issues. 

As a concerned parent, it’s essential to keep your eyes open for these indicators. Once at a dental expert, they will skillfully assess your child’s condition and recommend treatment options. Don’t worry! A dental expert has all the skills and knowledge necessary to deliver the best treatment. So, trust your parental intuition, and book an appointment today.

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