
Girl Talk: Important Topics to Discuss with Your Teenage Girl

Raising young girls can be quite challenging. There’s a lot to be concerned about: their safety, their development, their peers, even societal issues that affect them. Parents have their hands even fuller in this situation. But that’s why it’s important to enforce safety and well-being early on.

Talking to your daughters at the appropriate age about age-relevant topics will help them adjust and respond to these topics more rationally. They won’t succumb to peer pressure or trends, so reach out to them and have a serious talk. Here’s what you can talk about:

Teach Them to Think Quickly When it Matters the Most

Women are subject to decisions that merit a very quick response. Men are too, but women face considerably more of it every day. They have to make decisions that can make the difference between life and death, as unfortunate as it may sound. The statistics show that women still have a lot to be worried about, so it’s important to teach your daughters to make quick, yet rational decisions.

Teach them the “five-second rule”. If saying “yes” to a question will pose any potential risk (like friends asking them to skip class, or someone offering them something they don’t know), condition them to say no. Talk about listening to instinct and immediately find exit points if they’re ever in trouble.

Let Them Know You’re on their Side

Your young daughter will eventually feel like the world is against them- it’s part and parcel of growing up, particularly during their teenage years. Though most parents want to play the part of a disciplinarian, largely because it’s a role we’ve seen adults play growing up, it’s not exactly what kids need the most. Instead, they need someone on their side, someone who’ll listen to them and protect them.

Your daughter should firmly believe that you’re there for her, as you are. She should feel like she can go to you for help, be it personal or academic issues. You don’t want them avoiding you when they feel cornered- they’ll most likely turn to peers and friends, or people who don’t have their best interest at heart.

Teach the Value of Mental Health.

The generation of children today is very aware of the dangers of keeping your mental health unchecked. They’re knowledgeable of the different effects and symptoms of mental health struggles. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be vigilant or simply assume that it “won’t happen to them”. Reaching out to your children and making them understand the value of mental health is more important than ever before.

Establishing that it’s okay to talk about their feelings, or that it’s okay if they don’t feel good, or they’re worried about something is part of imparting the importance of mental health. Young women are often plagued by many worries and concerns, and as a parent, it’s critical to hear them out as well- and even connect to the right professionals if necessary.

Always Remind them to be Kind to their Body. 

There’s a lot of social and societal misconceptions that we need to start fixing. Especially with young girls. We need to teach them to be kinder to their bodies and to not let society pressure them into making decisions that they don’t particularly like. They must grow up understanding that it’s fine not that they’re not skinny, that there’s no shame in going to an abortion clinic or facility, and to not let society dictate what they should feel about their body. Teach them to be kind to their body, and to love it.

Don’t Avoid Hard and Awkward Topics

Hard topics are always difficult to discuss, but they must be talked about in a safe environment- otherwise, they’re going to learn it from dubious sources. Parents usually want to shelter their daughters from “obscene” or “mature” topics- but they will eventually have to be discussed. The best scenario here is that you, as a parent, teach them what’s right and wrong even before they encounter it. So sit them down and give them the “talk”, whatever relevant topic that may be.

It could be about issues plaguing society, it could be about sexuality and its importance, or even biological changes in their body. It’s simply just important that daughters hear about it from a reliable and safe source- you.

Arm your daughters with the tools to help them live happily and safely. Teach your girls that they are empowered, encouraged, and brave- especially in these difficult times we live in, strong young women are necessary.

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