
Herbalism for Prevention – Why It is Better to Prevent Than to Cure and How Herbs Can Help

We all have heard the phrase, “Prevention is better than cure.” Yet, we follow an expensive treatment model, which goes like this: Get sick, visit the hospital. Modern medicine has become increasingly reactive than proactive, and it’s high time we do something about it.

Medicinal plants have been a part of traditional medicine for centuries. Global studies have tested their efficacy, which has led to the development of herbal medicines. Did you know that the medical industry worldwide producing plant-based products is worth more than $100 billion yearly?

If everyone in the world got sick, there’s no guarantee they would get medical assistance. Such was the case with COVID at its peak when millions of people died. Hence, we should utilize alternative medicine to avoid seeking medical care.

Does this mean it is better to prevent than to cure? And how does herbal supplements help with this?

Let’s find out:

What Is Herbalism?

Herbalism is the practice of using plants as medicine. Its origin lies in ancient cultures and involves preventing and treating disease to enhance well-being and general health.

Some herbal medicines have powerful ingredients that should be taken with caution. They are as effective as pharmaceutical medications but with fewer side effects because of their natural form.

Many manufactured pharmaceutical medication versions contain plant compounds. For example, digitalis, a heart medicine made from the foxglove plant.

The concept of taking precautions to prevent diseases isn’t new. In the 13th century, there was a Latin saying:

“It is better and more useful to meet a problem in time than to seek a remedy after the damage is done.”

Desiderius Erasmus, a Dutch philosopher, coined the snappier version of Prevention is better than cure in the year 1500.

Why Is It Better to Prevent Than to Cure?        

Taking stalk of your body every day and staying in tune with it allows you to avoid getting sick. Who doesn’t want to live a long and happy life? Unfortunately, lifestyle factors like alcohol abuse, poor diet, and lack of exercise cause most of the health problems in the world.

For example, obesity can lead to diabetes, high cholesterol, and heart problems. By maintaining your weight, you can avoid all these problems.

Benefits of Herbs

So, how do herbs factor into this equation? According to studies, consuming herbs can help you prevent diabetes, cancer, and heart diseases. This practice can also provide anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory benefits and reduce blood clots.

Here are some examples of herbs that help you manage different health problems:

  • Lemongrass, fenugreek, garlic, and linseed lower cholesterol
  • Garlic lowers elevated blood pressure
  • Fenugreek controls insulin activity and blood sugar
  • Sage, oregano, chives, mint, basil, and onions protect against cancer
  • Thyme, cinnamon, and cloves are rich in antioxidants and reduce bad cholesterol

In conclusion, plants were, are, and will be a part of modern medicine because they are proven more powerful than synthetic ingredients. As for preventing diseases, you need to take a hard look at your lifestyle and make some significant changes.




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