
How Is Sedation Performed in Dentistry?

When you suffer from toothache or need an operation to take your broken tooth pieces from the gum, having a fear about visiting the dentist is normal. Also, most of us do not understand dental clinical facts or anatomy. On the other hand, the unknown and colossal instruments used for dentistry can implant seeds of uncontrollable fear in anyone. If you are visiting a dentist in Greenbelt, MD, feel free to ask them about the instruments and express your anxious feeling towards them.

How is sedation performed in dentistry?

Dental sedation uses medications to help patients feel comfortable and calm during dental procedures. Sedation use in dental care is beneficial in several ways:

  • Reduces fear and anxiety

Dental anxiety and fear are common among most patients, so most of them avoid dental appointments. With the use of sedation, patients feel relaxed, and it reduces anxiety and fear.

  • Pain management

Sedation helps to lower pain related to dental procedures. Sedated patients are less likely to feel pain during the procedure. 

  • Comfort

Sedation increases patient comfort when a dental procedure is more prolonged. Patients with sedation can sit for extended periods making them comfortable to complete the procedure. 

  • Best treatment outcomes

Sedation improves the quality of dental treatment outcomes. Sedated patients are less likely to move during the procedure, allowing the dentist to work more accurately and efficiently.

Sedation in dentistry can be administered in several ways, depending on the level of sedation required and the patient’s medical history. Some of the common methods of sedation used in dentistry include:

  • Nitrous oxide (Laughing gas)

Nitrous oxide is mild sedation administered through a mask fitting over the patient’s nose. It helps the patient to relax and reduce anxiety during the dental procedure. 

  • Oral sedation

Oral sedation involves taking a pill, usually a type of benzodiazepine medication, to relax the patient before starting the dental procedure. It is usually taken one hour before the appointment. 

  • Intravenous sedation

It is a form of moderate to deep sedation administered through a vein. IV sedation is mainly used for complex dental procedures administered by an anesthesiologist, helping the patient feel more comfortable and relaxed.

  • General anesthesia

General anesthesia is the deepest form of sedation which involves putting the patient into a state of unconsciousness. This type of sedation is used in most complex dental procedures administered by an anesthesiologist. 

Before administering any sedation, your dentist will review your medical history and discuss the risks of sedation. The patient will also be monitored throughout the procedure to ensure their comfort and safety.

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