
How to Prevent Allergies

Allergies can cause many problems for people who have them, and these allergies can cause everything from mild discomfort to serious health problems. To prevent having an allergy caused by something, you need to know how allergies work. There are a few different preventative measures that you can take to help reduce your chances of having an allergic reaction. The most effective way is to work with Ms. Rachael Stillwagon in Gilbert, an experienced allergist, to identify the trigger of your allergy and find ways to avoid it. Below are some more tips on how to prevent allergies.

The first step in preventing an allergy is to avoid your specific trigger. If you know your trigger, then it’s easy to avoid it. Talking to your doctor about your symptoms can help you prevent allergies caused by common triggers such as pollen, dust mites, and pets. Once you know what your allergens are, try to stay away from them as much as possible.

  • Medication

Several allergy medications on the market can help you avoid your triggers. If you’re allergic to pets, for example, getting rid of them is an effective way to prevent allergies. However, if that isn’t an option for you, plenty of other treatments are available, such as antihistamines and steroids. You should always talk to your doctor before deciding on a treatment plan because not all treatments are effective for everyone, and some allergies may require multiple types of medication at the same time.

  • Desensitization Shots

If you’re one of the many people who have a problem with pollen, then you may want to consider desensitization shots. These shots help your body get used to the allergens by introducing them in minimal doses while increasing them slowly over time. Your doctor will assess your situation and decide if this is an option for you.

  • Hormone Therapy

Some women develop allergies during different times of their menstrual cycle because the body’s hormone levels affect how the immune system works. If you’re struggling with allergies during a specific time of the month, then hormone therapy may be able to help. This treatment involves taking hormones to regulate your body’s natural hormone production.

  • Topical Sprays

If you have a pollen allergy, using topical spray before going outside can help protect you from the symptoms. This kind of spray works by covering your throat area and makes it harder for allergens to get into your system. Before trying this treatment, talk to an allergist because some people are not good candidates.

  • Protective Clothing

Pollen can travel through the air and get into your system before you know it. Wearing protective clothing while outdoors is an effective way to protect yourself from pollen, especially during seasons when there is a lot of it in the air. This clothing covers your mouth and nose so that allergens don’t get the chance to affect you.

Allergies can cause many problems and affect your quality of life. You can prevent them by avoiding the trigger and seeking medication from an allergist. Topical sprays and desensitization shots can help you. In some cases, hormone therapy can provide some protection. When stepping out, always remember to wear protective clothing.

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