
How You Can Avoid Weight Gain When on Birth Control

Weight gain is one of the common changes people think of when going for birth control options. While women’s care specialists agree that contraception can make someone gain a few pounds, you do not have to worry much as there are ways you can avoid this. Not all birth control methods are associated with weight gain, and your habits while on contraception significantly affect your weight. Also, some methods are often associated with weight gain than others, and it would be better to talk to your doctor about different methods before making a decision. Here are some helpful tips to help you not gain weight.

Work on Water Retention

Water retention is usually associated with weight gain, and managing it can help you maintain a healthy weight when on contraception. But you can avoid it by reducing your salt intake. Generally, avoid processed food, skip cured meat, and prepare meals yourself to control the amount of salt on the food. Also, ensure you move around when you have been sitting or standing for a while to help stimulate the lymphatic system and avoid retaining more water.

Eat Healthily

Even when you are not on birth control, eating healthy is vital for your weight. You might be gaining weight not because of the birth control option but because of poor eating habits. Therefore, try to research healthy eating habits or consult your doctor to understand the right diet to maintain a healthy weight. Generally, include lean protein, grains, veggies, and fruits on your diet, and you can enjoy a healthy weight. The general rule is to ensure that you get enough fruits and vegetables, pairing them with lean proteins and whole grains.

Measure Your Food Out

While you might want to minimize the food you eat, it might not be easy to judge portion sizes on sight. This might make you underestimate what you are eating, and you might eat excessively and gain weight. But you can estimate what you are eating by adjusting your utensils and tracking your meals. Use a smaller plate than before and measure the food portions you are eating to help reduce calories. Also, track what you have been eating the entire day by making a food journal to know what to avoid and include in your diet.

Consider Other Lifestyle Changes

If you are making other lifestyle changes besides birth control, it could contribute to weight gain. You might have gotten a new job that requires you to sit down long hours, or you have adopted a new routine of snacking more over the weekend with friends and loved ones. Also, understand that even aging can contribute to weight gain due to the slowing down of metabolism. Pay attention to such things happening in your life and adjust accordingly to help maintain a healthy weight.

Exercise Regularly

Exercising is a better way of reducing and maintaining a healthy weight. Depending on the particular birth control method you are using, certain exercises can combat your possibility of gaining extra weight. Talk to your doctor regarding your goals, and together, you can design an exercise routine to help you not gain weight. You might not be a gym pro, but you can maintain a healthy weight even with simple exercises such as swimming and running.

Contraception specialists at Suncoast Women’s Care can help you understand the different options that could increase your chances of weight gain and help you learn to combat them. Book your appointment today to learn more.

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