
Improving Back Pains from Working All Day

If you have a job that requires you to sit for long periods of time, there’s a good chance you suffer from back pain. In fact, back pain is one of the most common reasons people go to the doctor or miss work. And while there are many potential causes of back pain, such as age, injury, or genetics, one of the most common is simply poor posture when sitting. Here are some ways to relieve the pain using different adjustments that you can do yourself.

  • Seek the help of a medical professional

If you are having serious back pains, then you should see a doctor. This is important because there may be more serious underlying reasons as to why you feel pain in your back. Once the doctor has diagnosed the problem and determined its cause, they will discuss possible treatment options with you like consulting with a licensed chiropractor or making changes in your work setting.

  • Keep your upper body straight

Your head, shoulders, and chest should be aligned vertically while sitting on an office chair or couch. Your back muscles will strain more if you try to balance yourself forward, especially on your spine’s lower back. If you are slightly heavy, then leaning towards one side may be impossible to avoid without the use of some sort of support or backrest.

  • Stretch your back and neck muscles throughout the day

The length and frequency of your stretching sessions will depend on the severity of your back pain. For light aches, you’d only need to stretch for a few minutes every hour or so. But if your back is severely bothering you, then plan to spend at least 15 minutes every 2-3 hours in an effort to loosen up your muscles.

  • Sit on an exercise ball instead of a chair

Sitting on an exercise ball forces your lower and upper back muscles to contract and stretch alternately in order for you to maintain your balance. This is a simple way to give back pain relief without spending any money — the only equipment needed is an exercise ball — and there are several health benefits associated with ball training.

  • Do yoga at home

While practicing yoga may not be possible for everyone, it can still provide excellent back pain relief when done properly. The best time to practice yoga is during the morning before you sit down all day at work or school. You can take a class if that’s more convenient for you or opt to practice at home instead. Just be sure that you are doing the correct positions or you risk making your pain worse than before.

  • Sit in a chair with the correct support

The level of comfort you feel when sitting is dictated by the kind of chair and back support you have. If your chair is not providing proper support, then it is time to replace it with one that does. In fact, according to a study done in the UK, a staggering 91% of office workers reported back pain due to poor seating arrangements. You can also opt to use lumbar support to help maintain a healthy posture while sitting.

  • Align your keyboard and monitor correctly

Your computer screen and keyboard should be at eye level so that you don’t have to look down or up while working on your computer. Also, try adjusting the height of your chair so that your elbows are slightly lower than your arms when typing, which will help prevent aches in your shoulder and neck.

  • Use a footrest if you’re required to sit for long periods of time

If you’re stuck sitting without any chance of getting up for a stretch, then try shifting your feet on the floor to reduce the risk of blood pooling and possible swelling. However, if this is not an option due to limited space or the height of your desk, then at least curl and uncurl your toes as often as you can.

  • Work at a standing desk

If you’re tired of sitting and your company allows it, then try working on a stand-up desk to give your back some relief from all that time spent in the same position. According to studies conducted, people who work while standing will burn more calories than those who work while sitting.

  • Rest during breaks

Take regular breaks throughout the day to stretch and relax your back muscles. If you sit for long periods of time, then it’s important to take rest days as well just like professional athletes. Go for a walk, do some exercises you find on YouTube, or just go out and breathe some fresh air.


All of these tips are great ways to combat the pain associated with sitting for long periods of time, but it’s important not to ignore your body. If you feel like your back has reached its breaking point and all this advice isn’t helping, then please get in touch with a doctor.


Meta title: Tips to Relieve Working Back Pains

Meta desc: Working all day can be hard on our backs, but there are ways to help improve the pain. Here are some things that you can do to try to relieve the pain.

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