
How to Increase Your Muscle Mass

Powerful muscular man lifting weight

If you’re looking to put on muscle mass then you need to follow the advice here in this blog post. Trust us, you’ll get the gains in no time. Click here for more information on how to do that!

Looking to put on some serious muscle?

Then you need a program and some serious advice.

To help you get ripped straight away, we’ve put together a no-BS guide to help you gain muscle mass in no time. Read on to find out how to build muscle and live a better lifestyle.

Workout Dos and Don’ts

To build muscle, you need to work out. This simple truth can transform your body, but there’s more to it than just killing yourself lifting stuff.

If you’re just starting out, any workout will boost protein synthesis and boost your muscles. Even cardio will help you increase muscle mass if you’ve never trained before. But random workouts will only get you this far.

The Big Muscles

If you’ve been lifting for some time, you will notice you’re hitting the dreaded plateau. This happens when you seem to get stuck in the same spot even after weeks of muscle training.

To break through, you need to focus on the most proven exercises to build lean muscle. These include:

  • Deadlifts
  • Squats
  • Dips
  • T-Bar Rows
  • Bent Over Rows
  • Bench Press
  • Shoulder Press
  • Barbell Curls
  • Leg Press

With the above, you will be training all major muscle groups. By focusing on chest, back and legs, you’ll make the most out of your workout and break through the plateau.

How Much and How Often?

Reps are everything when it comes to sustainable muscle growth. Usually, you should aim for 2-3 sets of 8-12 repetitions. Give yourself a minute’s rest between sets and don’t overdo it.

Whatever routine you pick, you won’t manage to keep it up for long if you don’t feel excited about it. That’s why individualized workouts are crucial. Perhaps your body is more suited for a 6-10 rep range, or you’re one of those types who respond better with 5-7 hard repetitions.

To find out what works best for you, it’s a good idea to consult with a fitness expert. Regardless of workout program, you need to focus on all major muscle groups and never skip resting.

Make sure you don’t stay in the gym for more than 90 minutes, unless you’re doing some serious cardio.


Always follow up your lift day with a day of rest. A difficult weight workout will boost protein synthesis and muscle growth, but the effects take up to 48 hours to happen. You have to rest in the meantime and let your body do it’s magic.

Preparing Your Body

Before you hit the gym, you need to be prepared to stress your body. Training by itself is nothing more than controlled damage to your body. You empty your energy and stress your muscle, creating micro-tears. Only when those tears heal, will your muscles get stronger.

If you overdo it, you might do more harm than good. Also, if you are overweight, consider losing some pounds before starting to lift. Lifting while overweight might get you leaner, but it’s not without risks.

It’s better to shed the pounds first before starting to lift. Consider a mild cardio workout with some weights mixed in. As you lose weight, reduce the cardio and up the weights.

Eat the Right Things

Your muscle mass will not increase if you’re not eating well. No matter how much you deadlift, you won’t see the scales moving if you are not taking in the right stuff.

During the day, and especially when working out, your body drains its protein reserves to keep you going. To make sure there’s enough protein to build muscle, you need to store enough amino acids on a daily basis.

The Power of Protein

Meat, fish, and eggs will help you build muscle. Aim for 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight.

That’s about how much your body will need in a day. So, if you’re lifting 200 pounds, aim to consume 200 grams of protein daily.


Proteins will build your muscles, but you need carbs and fat to keep working out. You need to up your calorie intake if you’re lifting.

This means eating more, but in the right balance. Depending on your fitness level, you might need as many as 2500 calories, or more if you work out every other day.

Also, make sure you are eating often enough. Space your meals during the day so you eat every 3 to 4 hours. This will ensure your body never runs out of proteins or energy.

Use the Right Nutritional Supplements

If you’re already lean and ripped, you’ll know that just food won’t make it. You simply can’t take the right amount of proteins from meat without too much fat. That’s why it’s crucial to introduce the right nutritional supplements in your life.

This doesn’t mean you won’t be eating well anymore. You just have to make sure the balance of protein, carbs, and fats is just right for muscle growth. That’s why it’s best to ask your dietician and come up with a smart eating plan for you. With the right combination of food and supplements, you can gain up to a pound of muscle each week!

For an insane array of supplements, check out this website. In sites like Muscle Freak Nutrition, you’ll find hundreds of nutritional supplements to boost your workout performance and supercharge muscle growth.

Lifestyle Changes

Finally, you need to realize that being more muscular is a way of life. Set goals for your new, lean self and stick to them. You’re in it for the long haul.

It may take you months to start seeing the results you seek, but it will happen. Be consistent with your workouts and remember that there are no shortcuts to being fit.

Focus on gradual progression and keep your eyes on the goal. You can do it!

Ready to Build Muscle Mass and Live Healthier?

Now that you know how to build muscle mass and have that body of your dreams, check out our articles at Healthy B Daily.

On our site, you will find hundreds of articles, including workout programs and nutritional advice. Get ready to start building some serious muscle and live a healthier lifestyle today!

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