
Invisalign in Honolulu: A guide for patients

Orthodontic problems can impact your smile, confidence, and self-esteem. While traditional braces have been in use for decades, not everyone is happy with the look of metalwork. Wearing metal braces is often not a choice for adults, especially those who have a professional life and need to keep up with a certain kind of lifestyle. Fortunately, there is the option of Invisalign. Meet a dentist in Honolulu, HI, to understand if Invisalign can be a solution for your orthodontic concerns. Here’s what you need to know about Invisalign.

The basic info

Invisalign treatments involve a series of clear aligner trays customized for each patient. The dentist orders these trays after taking impressions of the patient’s teeth and mouth. The trays are not like regular braces and can be removed while eating. This also means that Invisalign benefits largely depend on how extensively and regularly you wear the aligner trays.

“Will Invisalign work for me?”

Many patients ask this critical question about the treatment. Invisalign works well for mild to moderate cosmetic concerns. It could be an option for those who have overcrowded teeth, crossbites, and underbites. Also, if you have large gaps between your teeth, Invisalign may help fix such aesthetic issues. Your dentist will consider the extent of orthodontic correction required, and based on an oral examination, they will decide whether you could benefit from Invisalign.

What are the benefits of Invisalign over braces?

There are several benefits of Invisalign over standard metal braces. Firstly, unlike metalwork, clear aligners can be removed, which means you can enjoy high comfort while eating and talking. You can also expect similar results, and because the results are more permanent, Invisalign may work as an alternative to veneers. If you have gapped teeth, you can consider fixing the gaps with clear trays rather than using veneers, which need replacement in the future.

Other things to know

Patients often don’t wear Invisalign trays as often as they should, which is one of the prime reasons results are delayed. You have to commit to the treatment and must see your dentist as frequently as recommended. Typically, the clear aligners must be removed and replaced every two weeks, and your dentist will check the condition of your teeth to decide whether new trays are required. Invisalign treatment can take time, and it is essential that you keep up with instructions as shared by your dentist.

Call your dentist in Honolulu to know more about Invisalign treatment. 

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