
Learn More about the Common Causes of Back Pain

Back pain is a common complaint and usually not a life-threatening problem. However, it can be a nuisance, especially if you fail to get relief from pain. Back pain can result from an injury or could be a sign of an underlying problem such as degenerative disc disease and sciatica. The intensity of the pain varies from person to person, depending on the cause of your problem. Fortunately, there are practical treatment approaches that can help alleviate the pain. One option is to seek the help of your chiropractor in Flatiron District for spinal manipulation and alignment to relieve the pain. Below are the common causes of back pain.


Osteoarthritis is a common cause of arthritis, and it occurs when the cartilage covering the ends of bones wears out. The cartilage cushions your joints and prevents friction between bones. When it wears out, bones may rub on each other as you move, producing pain. Friction between bones also wears out the bones, and in response, the body form bone spurs, which make a joint stiff.

When bone spurs form on your spinal cord, it may result in spinal stenosis, a condition whereby the spinal space narrows. Spinal stenosis often causes nerve compression, resulting in symptoms such as lower back pain, numbness, and tingling in your arm or legs.

Herniated disc

The spinal cord has several small bones called vertebrae and between each bone is a disk that cushions the spine and acts as a shock absorber. These discs contain an outer membrane called the annulus, covering the soft inner materials. Over time, the outer covering wears and tears and may develop a weak spot through which the disc nucleus may bulge out. When part of the disc bulges, it may press on nerves in the spinal space, producing pain. Herniated discs mainly occur on the lumbar (back) and cervical (neck) areas but can occur anywhere along the spine.

Muscle and ligament strain

Muscles can strain due to repeated or sudden and awkward movements. Micro-tears may form when you pull your ligament or muscle, or the tissues could tear. Most strains improve with conservative treatments such as stretches and over-the-counter medication. However, severe injuries involving complete tears usually require surgical intervention. Anyone can strain a muscle, but this is highly likely in physically inactive individuals. Their muscles tend to become rigid, increasing the risk of the constant strain of the back muscles.


The bone constantly renews itself as the old one breaks down. Bone renewal is a continuous process that declines as you grow older. For this reason, your bone mass decreases, making your bones porous and brittle. Osteoporosis is common among older adults, but the amount of bone mass you developed in your younger years determines how likely you are to develop this condition.

Individuals with osteoporosis can easily fracture their bones even with the slightest of movements, such as bending. When osteoporosis attacks your spine, you may develop painful fractures in your vertebra, resulting in back pain.

If you have back pain and you’d like to know the available treatment options, consult with your specialist today at NYPT Health & Rehab. 

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