
The Meal Prep Basics You Need to Start Your Health Journey

Healthy meal prep containers with quinoa, chicken and cole slaw overhead shot with copy space

The Meal Prep Basics You Need to Know

When you’re just getting started on a new journey to health changing your diet is one of the hardest obstacles. Here are the meal prep basics that will help put you on a healthier path.

Do you want to make better food choices? There are many easy ways to incorporate a healthy diet in your life. One of the easiest ways to eat healthier is by meal prepping.

This is when you pre-cook and prepare your meals, so you have healthy meals throughout the week.

But meal prepping can be tough for someone new.

Until you’re accustomed to your routine, cooking meals in bulk can be hard to remember. Other questions are common — what to cook and what are healthy food choices are common uncertainties.

Fortunately, with the right tips meal prepping is easy to understand. Here are the meal prep basics to get you started.

What’s Meal Prepping?

Meal prepping is preparing healthy meals in bulk to last you a certain amount of time. Most meal preppers cook on one day of the week, such as Sunday or any day you have off of work.

You cook these meals in large quantities but save most of what you make.

You portion the leftovers to last you throughout several days, even a week. This ensures you get the essential vitamins and minerals in a day and you eat the correct food portion sizes.

Why do people food prep? The main answer is easy — to lose weight and eat healthy.

But if your main goal is weight loss, you need to know important diet facts such as calorie counting, complex vs. simple carbs, and which protein you should eat.

Fortunately, there are many healthy meal prepping guides to make this process easier. Read more here.

Is there other meal prepping benefits other than healthier food choices? Meal prepping has other benefits, including:

  • No extra time to prepare lunch or dinner
  • Have quick access to meals and snacks
  • An easy way to track your diet and food choices
  • Makes dieting easier
  • Encourages you to try new meals and recipes
  • Save money

Whether you have a busy schedule, are dieting or just love cooking, meal prepping is for everyone.

How to Start Meal Prepping

You’re probably interested in meal prepping and want to get started. Follow these helpful tips and hints.

Pick a Day

Your first meal prepping step is picking a day to meal prep.

If you work a Monday-Friday schedule, Sunday is the best day to start. But if you work varying days or have a demanding schedule, such as being a full-time student or a parent, picking a day can be more difficult.

If you work varying days, then choose a day you have off. Make sure you work the next day so you can bring your meal to work.

Meal prepping with a demanding schedule is challenging. If you’re a student, prepare your meals when you don’t have classes. If you’re at school during the day, meal prep at night.

Make enough meals to last you throughout the school week.

If you’re a parent, cook your meals in the middle of the week, such as a Wednesday or Thursday. The kids are in school and you’ll have meals throughout the weekend when your kids are at home.

You also don’t have to meal prep once a week. If you plan on eating larger portions, two meal prep days are ideal. Your meal prep day, or days, depends on your schedule and your diet goals.

Pick Your Meal

This is the most fun part — pick your meal! But you should be smart about this step. Don’t portion out candy and chips throughout the week. Instead, focus on your core food groups.

For example, always have a protein source, vegetable, and carb (preferably a complex carb) for each meal. For snacks, have fruit cut and prepared.

If you have time, prep your weekly breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If you’re dieting, research calorie counts and nutritional facts with each meal.

This is also an excuse for you to try cooking meals you never cooked before. With meal prepping, there’s no need to go out to eat. Research gourmet meals and intricate recipes.

Choose Containers Wisely

The reason meal prepping works is because of containers. Since you’re storing food throughout the week, you need to ensure your food won’t spoil. The best to guarantee your meals will remain fresh is by using proper storage methods.

The best contains are fully sealable, either with a lid or a closeable pouch. Tupperware or plastic bags are your best bet.

Also, know which containers will be most convenient for you. You wouldn’t eat yogurt out of a flat container — always choose your container wisely.

Some containers have multiple pouches for different meals. These also help with portion sizes. Choose these contains are coordinate your main dish and side dishes in the pouches.

Other Advice

This seems like a lot of information for beginning meal preppers. After you get your routine down, meal prepping becomes easier. While you’re starting your meal prepping lifestyle, here are some more useful pieces of advice.

Cook Simple Meals At First

While you may want to start your gourmet meal prepping journey immediately, try and start simple. Focus on foods that are easy to prepare and store.

Chicken is always a favorite because it’s easy to make and always tastes good. You can also try plant-based proteins, such as beans because they last longer.

Brown rice and quinoa are also easy to prepare and last a very long time. For vegetables, opt for frozen vegetables before fresh. They cook quicker and are just as nutritious as fresh vegetables.

Become a Multitasking Champ

If you’re not used to cooking lots of different food at the same time, you better learn quick. If you’re not a multitasker, the oven and slow-cooker will become your best friends.

Never Forget Fruit

With so many food choices, fruit is often forgotten. Include some apple or orange slices with each meal. You can also choose a fruit-based sauce or glaze with any food.

Now You Know the Meal Prep Basics

If you want a convenient way to eat healthily, meal prep is the way to go. No matter what your schedule is like, anyone can meal prep. You simply cook meals in bulk and save them throughout the week.

Meal prepping also gives you the freedom to eat well but to eat what you want.

For more health advice, visit our resources.

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