Box mod is a kind of vaporizer which is a potent one and also this kind of vaporizer may be little different from other vaporizers. Usually, they last much longer as they come with much larger battery than any small vape or other vape pens.
As per the RTA reviews, following are few important features of this box mod vaporizer.
- Best vaporizer to regulate temperature
Best part of such vaporizer is that its temperature can be easily controlled and regulated so that the user can get optimized vaping experience. The user need not worry that it will become too hot or dry while vaping.
- Power can be adjusted
You can always control its power whenever you like and the vaper can enjoy the intense experience during vaping.
- Total tank customization
It does not hold any e-liquid by itself, only a detachable atomizer that holds the e-liquid. Therefore, the user can easily customize it as per his choice.
- Sub-ohm vaping
This is a new trend which is catching up very fast within the vaping community. The user can attach sub-ohm atomizer with the battery and get new vaping experience.
Benefits of this kind of vaporizer
You must be wondering what is so special about this box mod vaporizer. Here are few of its benefits as listed below:
- Superb control in temperature
We already have mentioned earlier about its superb temperature control feature that stands out from rest of the vaporizers available in the market.
- Longer battery life
You really do not have to worry about discharge of battery while using this kind of vaporizer as it is very important for smokers to quit their habit.
- Wattage control
Better wattage control allows the user to do better customization and decide how much amount of vapor they must get.
- Sub-ohm vaping
The user can get bigger cloud due to this feature which can offer a very pleasant vaping experience.