
The main Causes of Pelvic Pain Amongst Women

Women suffer a whole lot of several types of diseases throughout their life. One of the most common medical conditions that women go through is pelvic pain. Pelvic pain in women refers to the pain in the woman’s internal reproductive organs region. It may be a symptom of some infection or may arise due to pain in the pelvic bone. It is also an indication of problems in a woman’s reproductive organs. Here we will tell you about some famous pelvic pain specialist in London and the main causes of pelvic pain in women.

Causes of Pelvic Pain in Women

The following are the possible causes of pelvic pain in women.

  • STDs or Sexually Transmitted Diseases
  • Kidney Stones and infections
  • Appendicitis
  • Hernia
  • Menstrual Cramps
  • Ovarian CancerImage result for The main Causes of Pelvic Pain Amongst Women

These are some of the major causes of pelvic pain in women. There are several pelvic pain specialists in London who can treat your conditions very effectively. Women suffering from pelvic pain must see a specialist at the immediate. It can lead to severe problems if left untreated.

Determination of the cause of pelvic pain

To determine the causes of pelvic pain, doctors conduct various tests such as blood tests, urine tests and sometimes pregnancy tests in females. X-rays are taken of the abdomen and the pelvic region. The doctor may also go for endoscopy and CT scans if required.

Treatments and other medications

Some women prefer using painkillers and paracetamols if they know the reason for their pelvic pain. The doctors may also take laparoscopy tests to check reproductive problems. The doctor would then recommend possible treatments and medications to tackle the problem. Pelvic pain conditions should not be treated by the patients on their own. Nowadays, several effective medications are available to help the women with their conditions. This is a very common problem in women above 30 and should not be neglected. If you are a native of London, you can look for several pelvic pain specialists and fix an appointment for a check-up. Just remember not to ignore any symptoms hidden under the pelvic pain conditions.


Women take up the entire responsibility of any household and it is common for them to suffer from such types of medical conditions. These conditions can be treated and there are solutions to such diseases. Never ignore these conditions and see the doctor immediately for proper and quick solutions.

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