
Understanding the Causes of Bleeding Gums That Goes Beyond Hard Brushing


Gum health is often neglected, however, it is the most important thing that we need to understand because gum health is also important for your dental health. If the gums become weak or contain bacteria, there can be tooth decay, and tooth loss problems for a person and therefore, it is important for us to know that gum health is a very important aspect. It is not a wise decision to take care of the teeth while letting the gums bleed without any treatment. However, while treating the bleeding gums, we must know the reasons for the bleeding and its root cause. 

There are various causes of bleeding gums but the major one that is mainly associated with the bleeding gums is the hard brushing. However, the fact is that it is more than that and we need to understand all the important reasons for bleeding gums. It goes beyond hard brushing, and thus, in this article, we will discuss the reasons for bleeding gums beyond hard brushing. If you are in Kensington, then you can consult any dentist in Kensington, CA to treat the bleeding gum issues. 

What are the Reasons for Bleeding Gums Other than Hard Brushing? 


This is a common disease that people face especially when people have bleeding gums. This disease is an accumulation of harmful plaque which is built in the gum line. When the gums are not clean or the gum tissue is not clean then it will increase the sensitivity in the gums and cause various problems such as bleeding gums and sensitivity in your teeth. It is important to maintain proper oral hygiene to ensure that you are having a healthy gum and healthy. In proper oral hygiene, you must brush your teeth regularly, floss them daily, and also go for regular dental visits. 

Sliding of Dentures

If there are traditional dentures that you have used to solve the tooth loss problem, then in this case, some dentures slide occasionally and thus cause a problem of irritation and discomfort. This irritation will lead to bleeding and unwanted problems in your gums and teeth. Therefore, it is highly suggested that if you have any problem with your dentures, then you must consult your dentist as soon as possible. 

New Flossing Routine

If you were a person who was not flossing your teeth regularly and now you have started this new routine then it would cause some initial problems. There might be some irritation at the initial stages that might also cause bleeding in your gums. There is a proper method of flossing and you must be aware of these methods to ensure that it might not harm your gums. So, consult an expert doctor and ensure that you are learning the exact method without harming your gums. You should never rush to floss your teeth as it can lead to cuts and bleeding. So, this is also one of the significant reasons for bleeding gums. 


Hormonal Changes and Certain Health Conditions

It is a very rare reason but also one of the reasons and therefore, we must be aware of it. In some cases, there might be some hormonal changes that might lead to swollen and bleeding gums. When there are hormonal changes in the body, our body reacts differently and as there is very little immunity to deal with the bacteria in the mouth, it might accumulate to a large level and lead to gum diseases and bleeding. Therefore, it is suggested that in the case of hormonal changes, you must take care of your health so that your immunity is strong. 

These are some of the reasons beyond hard brushing that can cause bleeding gums. If you are facing these issues for any of these reasons, then you can consult an expert doctor and take your treatment as soon as possible. Additionally, you have to maintain an effective dental hygiene routine that will ensure that you have solid and healthy teeth and gums. 

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