
What are the Most Common Dental Problems?

Dental issues tend to impact us all from time to time, and usually, they can be a result of underlying health concerns. Maintaining oral health is the first step toward your overall well-being, so it is important to find a dentist who is licensed and experienced and also makes you comfortable. Before you consult with a dentist in Fort Lauderdale, you may want to check out this list of some of the most common dental problems; to soothe any anxiety you might be facing, if at all. These are treatable; you’ll surely bring back your dazzling smile in no time.

Tooth Decay

Also known as dental caries or cavity, tooth decay occurs when plaque forms acids with sugars in the food you may be consuming and corrodes your enamel. Treatment consists of root canals, fillings, or dental crowns. Dentists will know best.

Gum Disease

Gum diseases like gingivitis or periodontitis can become a serious cause for concern if left untreated. Risk factors are smoking, pregnancy, or diabetic fluctuations. Your dentist will provide you with several options, depending on the severity of your case.

Bad Breath

If you’re brushing twice a day and still experiencing bad breath, you may have an underlying condition, which your dentist will detect by taking some tests. Underlying conditions include dry mouth, infection, acid reflux, medicinal side effects, or even cancer.

Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity can be caused by other dental conditions such as tooth decay, enamel erosion, receding gums, chipped teeth, root infection, etc. Once the underlying cause is identified and treated by your dentist, the sensitivity goes away on its own.

Broken/Chipped Teeth

This is normally caused by an injury and can be very painful. Mouth piercings are also a risk factor. Treatment includes crowns, a veneer, or tooth-colored fillings. Medication is prescribed for pain, and dietary restrictions are imposed until recovery.

Receding Gums

This can be caused by smoking, poor oral hygiene, high blood pressure, and hormonal fluctuations in vulva owners. The underlying cause can be treated by general health practitioners, while a thorough cleaning by the dentist will help with your gums.

There are several other dental problems, such as root infections, dry mouth, teeth grinding, and enamel erosion. If you are experiencing any discomfort in your mouth, it is advisable to consult with a dentist immediately. Other ways of maintaining oral health care are by brushing twice a day after meals, flossing your teeth regularly, and using mouthwash. Dental concerns can affect your smile, which in turn may lessen your self-confidence. In order to boost your confidence once again, find a dentist you are comfortable with, and eradicate those dental issues. Your smile will go back to dazzling and sparkling in no time. 

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