
What Supplements Should You Take for Muscle Growth?  

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Are you planning on gaining muscle? Then this means eating right (with lots of protein) and lifting heavy! But if you really want to maximize that muscle growth potential, supplements from popular brands like pure encapsulations are a popular choice. You can get these from Supplement First and other health stores, but with the many products available, it may have you wonder…

Which supplements do you really need for muscle growth? Here are the ones you should look into:

  1. Whey protein powder

Whey is a mass-gain supplement as it’s essential when it comes to protein synthesis. This is a milk protein with high levels of BCAAs or branched-chain amino acids.

It’s a popular supplement because it can quickly digest and get to your muscles for further growth. Furthermore, whey contains peptides, which increase our muscles’ blood flow. That’s why you see many bodybuilders consume whey protein shakes after working out!

  1. Casein

Casein is another milk protein that has a slower digestion rate, making it an ideal pre-bedtime meal as it prevents catabolism when we sleep. This supplement will digest slowly and steadily, also keeping us feel fuller for longer.

Taking casein after working out can improve our muscle protein synthesis just as whey would. You can find this in popular brands like pure supplements!

  1. Creatine

This supplement consists of three amino acids, which are:

  • Arginine
  • Glycine
  • Methionine

Creatine works in building muscle by increasing the fast energy our muscles need for athletic performance. The more fast energy available, the more reps one can perform, increasing muscle mass and strength. Creatine can also draw more water into the muscle cells, which can help with long-term muscle growth. Recently, studies show that creatine can increase levels of IGF-1, or insulin-like growth factor-1 in our muscles, an important part of muscle growth stimulation.

  1. BCAAs

We mentioned BCAAs above, though this is another separate supplement you can take alongside whey. Branched-chain amino acids are made of three crucial amino acids that help build and repair muscle tissue: Valine, isoleucine, and leucine.

Leucine stimulates muscle protein synthesis by itself, though one should take all three amino acids to work together for the best possible benefits. One can experience more energy for workouts, muscle growth, cortisol blunting, along reduced muscle soreness.

  1. Nitric Oxide

This is a molecule in our bodies taking part in various processes. One of the things bodybuilders like about nitric oxide is how it can dilate blood vessels. This will allow better blood flow to our muscles, which improves the delivery of anabolic hormones, nutrients, oxygen, and water.

As a result, one can experience increased energy levels, more muscle pumping, as well as improved muscle growth and recovery.

Take note that nitric oxide supplements won’t provide nitric oxide to our bodies directly, but it’s delivered through arginine. This amino acid converts into nitric oxide when in our bodies.

Wrapping It Up

Check out any of these supplements and see which ones can help you achieve your specific fitness goals!

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