
When a Drexel Hill Dentist Recommends Extracting and Replacing a Broken Tooth

A broken tooth is a serious injury that a lot of people deal with. This can result from a lot of things, such as tooth decay, biting down on hard foods, and facial trauma. Typically, the damage increases the susceptibility of the tooth to infection and decay when it’s serious enough. When a tooth breaks, a toothache can occur. Also, there may be blood from the tooth. A tooth break always requires a visit to a Drexel Hill dentist, no matter how minor it is. 

Treatments for a Broken Tooth

A dentist will address a broken, chipped, or cracked tooth with the following treatments:

  • Composite bonding. This treatment includes the use of composite resin for rebuilding a broken tooth. Typically, it is used for fixing a minor break.
  • Dental veneers. Veneers cover just the front portion of teeth. They are used for hiding mild to moderate tooth damage. 
  • Root canal treatment. The procedure involves getting rid of the soft tissues and nerves of the broken tooth to treat and protect it against infection. Typically, the treated teeth will be covered with dental crowns. 

When a Broken Tooth Needs a Replacement

How a dentist treats a broken tooth depends on how serious the damage is. Minor tooth damage that impacts just the outer enamel may be fixed with enamel reshaping or composite bonding. More serious damage to the tooth that reaches the pulp chamber is considered a dental emergency and must be treated immediately. Typically, a dentist can treat this damage with root canal treatment or a crown. But sometimes, a broken tooth cannot be saved. Here’s why:

  • If the broken tooth is infected. Once a tooth breaks, it has an increased risk of infection, particularly when the pulp chamber has been compromised. And the infection gets worse when the injury is not treated. Root canal therapy can treat an infected tooth as long as there’s no risk of this infection spreading to other body parts. Otherwise, the tooth must be extracted and replaced with an oral prosthetic like a dental implant. 
  • When the root of the broken tooth is damaged. Typically, a dentist will recommend pulling out a broken tooth when the damage has cracked or fractured the root. The root is the foundation for the tooth. 
  • The damage is quite serious. If a broken tooth is damaged enough that cannot be treated with a crown or root canal therapy, it needs to be removed and replaced. 
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